
I am part of the privileged ones. Those who grew up in the right country at the right moment and have enough money to get themselves a passport, the « right » one to go back and forth from one country to another. I grew up having my dad in one continent and my mum in the other for several…

Continuer la lectureMigrations


Nom d’une supernova! La vie ne serait rien sans orgasme.Le cosmos lui-même n’existerait pas.Le flacon a explosé dans mon cœur.Grand, bon, savoureux, excitant, délicieux. Cette immensité qui te prend les tripes, t’étend comme si l’univers tout entier était à l’intérieur de chacune de tes cellules. Ta peau devient toile invisible sur laquelle les constellations dansent.Frissons de joie dans les os,…

Continuer la lectureOrgasme


Could we be together ? Once and for all ? I found a lizard in the garden today, lying still on his back. I felt a flow of sadness, for his beauty. I could see the perfect blue lines, the precision of his little claws. The word service came to my mind. Then the lyrics from @youssouphamusik 's « mourir…

Continuer la lectureTogether